Registration form


    When the registration has gone through, you will recieve a confirmation to the e-mail address you provided. If you did not recieve that confirmation, something went wrong, and we kindly ask you to contact us by e-mail or phone.

    Preferred time and venue (check out our schedule (in Swedish) for available courses)

    Your child's birth date
    - -

    The child's first name

    The child's last name


    Zip code and city

    Phone 1 (obligatoriskt)

    Phone 2 (obligatoriskt)

    We ask for two numbers for your childs safety.

    Anmälarens (din) e-post (obligatoriskt)

    Instruktion till dig som har Hotmail: Vi hamnar ibland i skräpposten hos Hotmailanvändare. Har du en alternativ mailadress skriv gärna den, eller lägg till vår mailadress till dina kontakter,


    Message to Barnens Gymnastikskola (if you want to enroll your child to After School Activity at Futura or SIS, please let us know what grade your child is in):

    You can read our Terms and Conditions here.

    You have to fill in all mandatory panels for the application to be considered.